Honor of Life
Making your own egg fill for intention setting and honoring new life.
The coming of Spring after the quiet sleep of winter is traditionally associated with fertility and creation of new life. This is physically represented through flowers, seeds, animals and eggs.
You can find plastic egg fills in your local discount stores or supermarkets.
Feel free to decorate your eggs however you see fit. You can include your community vendors for customizing needs or do with your family.
Write your intention on paper.
it can be a word or a detailed explanation
Fold or roll paper in the direction facing facing you.
Place paper inside your egg and for the remainder of the Spring Season keep your egg on your altar space or you can use your egg as a new altar for the specific intention. Do not remove or dispose until Summer Solstice (June 20th)
You will honor this practice with discipline by giving time to the space and practice. Whatever is your form of energetic release.
It can be meditation/prayer, journaling, reading or any other practice you have that speaks to you like art.